Tes PCK SJT pada UKPPPG  Guru Tertentu Bahasa Inggris

Ujian Kompetensi Peserta Pendidikan Profesi Guru (UKPPPG) merupakan salah satu syarat penting bagi para guru untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi profesi. Dalam UKPPPG, salah satu komponen ujian yang sangat penting adalah Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) dan Situational Judgment Test (SJT).

Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana guru memahami dan mampu menerapkan pengetahuan pedagogis serta keputusan yang bijaksana dalam situasi pengajaran sehari-hari.

Bagi guru Bahasa Inggris, pemahaman mendalam mengenai metode pengajaran dan cara menghadapi berbagai situasi di kelas sangat penting untuk lulus tes ini. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi para guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dengan melakukan latihan dan mengikuti try out soal PCK SJT.

Berikut contoh soal PCK SJT PPG Guru Tertentu Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Soal 1

Ms. Nia is an English teacher at a language school in Semarang. She aims to enhance her students’ speaking skills in English by implementing effective teaching strategies that focus on student engagement and problem-solving abilities. Ms. Nia plans to incorporate various activities to encourage active participation and critical thinking among her students during speaking lessons. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for Ms. Nia to employ in her classroom to foster student-centered learning and enhance speaking skills in English?

A) Having students read aloud from a textbook individually.

B) Asking students to memorize and recite dialogues from a play.

C) Organizing pair or group discussions where students converse on a given topic.

D) Providing a detailed lecture on speaking techniques before students practice.

Correct Answer: C) Organizing pair or group discussions where students converse on a given topic.

Explanation: Option C promotes active engagement and critical thinking among students by involving them in pair or group discussions. By organizing such discussions where students are prompted to converse on a given topic, Ms. Nia encourages students to actively participate and express their ideas orally. This strategy provides opportunities for students to practice speaking in a supportive environment, develop their fluency, and collaborate with their peers to solve language-related challenges. Additionally, it fosters communication skills and encourages students to think critically about the topics they discuss, thus enhancing their overall speaking proficiency in English.

Soal 2

Ms. Ratna, an English teacher at a high school in Indonesia, is keen on promoting learner-centered instruction to foster students’ independence and autonomy in English learning. She believes in employing strategies that encourage active participation and self-directed learning among her students. During a speaking activity, Ms. Ratna notices that one of her students, Ahmad, is hesitant to participate. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for Ms. Ratna to employ in order to encourage Ahmad’s active involvement and foster his independence in learning English?

A) Assign Ahmad a specific topic and ask him to prepare a short speech to deliver in front of the class.

B) Pair Ahmad with a confident classmate and encourage them to engage in a role-play conversation.

C) Provide Ahmad with a list of discussion questions related to the topic and ask him to reflect on them independently before joining the group discussion.

D) Offer Ahmad a choice between participating in the speaking activity or completing a written reflection on his language learning goals.

Correct Answer: C) Provide Ahmad with a list of discussion questions related to the topic and ask him to reflect on them independently before joining the group discussion.

Explanation: Option C aligns with the principles of learner-centred instruction by promoting Ahmad’s autonomy and self-directed learning. By providing him with a list of discussion questions, Ms. Ratna encourages Ahmad to take ownership of his learning process and engage in meaningful reflection before participating in the group discussion. This approach empowers Ahmad to develop his ideas independently and facilitates his active involvement in the speaking activity.

Option A may put undue pressure on Ahmad and exacerbate his reluctance to participate, while option B relies heavily on peer interaction and may not effectively address Ahmad’s individual needs. Option D offers a choice but does not necessarily promote Ahmad’s active engagement in the speaking activity or encourage him to develop his speaking skills autonomously. Therefore, option C is the most suitable strategy for fostering Ahmad’s independence in learning English.

Soal  3

Miss Tenry, an English teacher, is passionate about creating student-centered learning environments that foster independence and autonomy among her students. She believes in employing appropriate strategies to achieve this goal effectively. Miss Tenry wants to introduce authentic materials into her English lessons to enhance student engagement and autonomy. Which of the following activities would be MOST effective for achieving this goal?

A) Using simplified versions of English texts to ensure comprehension and reduce cognitive load.

B) Incorporating multimedia resources such as videos and podcasts that showcase real-life English usage.

C) Providing handouts with grammar rules and vocabulary lists for self-study outside of class.

D) Conducting traditional grammar drills and exercises using textbook examples.

Correct Answer: B) Incorporating multimedia resources such as videos and podcasts that showcase real-life English usage.

Explanation: Option B encourages using authentic materials, such as videos and podcasts, to expose students to real-life English contexts, which can enhance their language skills and autonomy. Authentic materials provide rich linguistic input and cultural insights, meaningfully engaging students with the language. Options A, C, and D focus on more traditional approaches and may not effectively promote student autonomy or engagement with the language in authentic contexts.

Kursus.Tenrycolle Menyediakan Try Out PCK SJT yang Tepat Sasaran

Untuk membantu para guru Bahasa Inggris dalam mempersiapkan ujian UKPPPG, kursus.tenrycolle menyediakan Try Out PCK & SJT yang memiliki 6 keunggulan, antara lain:

  1. Try out PCK & SJT berbahasa Inggris dan berbasis Studi Kasus
  2. Dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan
  3. Try Out Berbasis UTBK / Computer Based
  4. Tersedia Modul Belajar Mandiri
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Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin menghadapi ujian UKPPPG!

Tenry Colle
Tenry Colle

Hi! My name is A. Tenry Lawangen Aspat Colle. I am a motivated and resourceful English educator. In addition, as the owner of @rymari.translation17 has shaped me to be a punctual and dependable translator of Indonesian to English and vice versa.

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