English Expression to Host an Online Speaking Practice Meeting

English Expression to Host an Online Speaking Practice Meeting

In today’s digital age, communication skills in English are more important than ever. Whether you’re a language teacher or simply someone passionate about helping others improve their English speaking abilities, hosting online speaking practice sessions can be an effective way to provide support and encouragement. In this blog, I will explore some simple and practical English expressions that you can use to facilitate engaging and productive conversations during your online speaking practice meetings.


Here are some English expressions you can use to introduce yourself as the host in an online speaking practice:

  • Welcome, everyone, to today’s an online speaking practice. I’m [Your Name], your host for this discussion.
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I’ll be guiding our conversation today.
  • Hi there! I’m [Your Name], and I’m excited to lead our discussion on [topic].
  • Hello, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I’m [Your Name], and I’ll be facilitating our conversation today.
  • Welcome, [community name], to our online speaking practice. I’m [Your Name], and I’m honored to be hosting this discussion.
  • Hi, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’m thrilled to be here with you today to delve into [topic].
  • Greetings, everyone! It’s a pleasure to be your host for today’s conversation. I’m [Your Name].
  • Hello and a warm welcome to each of you joining us today. I’m [Your Name], and I’ll be leading our discussion on [topic].
  • Good to have you all here! I’m [Your Name], and I’ll be guiding us through our exploration of [topic].
  • Hi, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I’m looking forward to facilitating our discussion on [topic].
  • Hi everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I’m thrilled to be hosting today’s online speaking practice.
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone! It’s great to be here with you all. I’m [Your Name], and I’ll be leading our discussion today.

Holding online meeting

Here are some English expressions you can use to encourage participants to wait for others to join the online speaking practice:

  • Before we begin, let’s give a few more minutes for others to join the online speaking practice
  • Let’s hold on for a moment and give others a chance to join the call.
  • Before we proceed, let’s wait a bit longer to see if anyone else will be joining us.
  • Could we just pause briefly to allow latecomers to join before we start?
  • Let’s give it another minute or two to see if anyone else logs in.
  • Before we begin, let’s make sure everyone who wants to participate has had the opportunity to join.
  • Shall we wait a little longer to see if anyone else shows up before we get started?
  • Let’s give everyone a few more minutes to join before we begin.
  • We’ll wait a couple more minutes to allow for any latecomers to join us.
  • Please be patient while we wait for others to join the online meeting.
  • If you’ve already joined, please hang tight as we wait for others to connect.
  • We’ll hold off on starting until we have a few more participants in this meeting.
  • While we wait for others to join, feel free to introduce yourself in the chat.
  • Let’s wait a little longer to ensure everyone has the opportunity to join before we get started.
  • While we wait for more participants, let’s take this time to review the agenda for today’s meeting
  • If you’re already here, take a moment to invite any colleagues who may have forgotten to join.
  • Thank you for your patience as we wait for others to connect. We’ll begin shortly.

Icebreaker Questions:

Here are some English expressions you can use in Icebreaker questions during the online meeting.

  • To start things off, let’s get to know each other a bit better. Could you share your name and one interesting thing about yourself?
  • Before we dive into our main topic, I’d love for each of you to introduce yourselves. Tell us your name and something unique or exciting about you.
  • Let’s break the ice! As we go around, please introduce yourself and share a fun fact or hobby you enjoy.

Discussion starters by asking question

Here are some English expressions you can use to start a discussion by giving a question during the online speaking practice

  • Let’s kick things off with our first question: [Question].
  • To start our discussion, I’d like to pose this question: [Question].
  • I’d love to hear your thoughts on this: [Question].
  • To begin, how do you feel about [Question]?
  • Let’s start the conversation by addressing [Question].
  • Here’s a question to consider as we begin: [Question].
  • I’m curious to know what you think about [Question].
  • To initiate our discussion, let’s reflect on [Question].
  • We’ll start off with this question: [Question]. What are your thoughts?
  • Let’s open the floor with this question: [Question].
  • I’d like to begin by asking everyone to consider: [Question].
  • Before we delve deeper into our topic, let’s explore this question: [Question].
  • As we begin, let’s address the following question: [Question].
  • Here’s a question to prompt our conversation: [Question]. What do you think?
  • To kick-start our dialogue, let’s examine this question: [Question].
  • Before we move forward, I’d like to hear your thoughts on [Question].

Discussion starters by asking question (name)

Certainly! Here are some English expressions you can use to ask a specific participant to answer a question during the online speaking practice:

  • [Name], could you please share your thoughts on [question]?
  • [Name], I’d like to hear from you about [question].
  • [Name], can you provide your perspective on [question]?
  • [Name], what’s your take on [question]?
  • [Name], would you mind giving us your opinion on [question]?
  • [Name], could you offer some insights into [question]?
  • [Name], do you have any thoughts or ideas about [question]?
  •  [Name], I’m interested in hearing your response to [question].
  • [Name], could you weigh in on [question]?
  • Can you share your thoughts on [question], please?
  • What do you think about [question], [Name]?
  • [Name], could you provide your perspective on [question]?
  • [Name], what’s your opinion on [question]?
  • Could you give us your thoughts on [question], [Name]?
  • [Name], do you have any ideas about [question]?
  • [Name], can you answer [question], please?
  • What’s your response to [question], [Name]?
  • [Name], could you tell us what you think about [question]?

Transition between participants

Here are some English expressions you can use to shift between one participant to another during the online speaking practice:

  • Thank you for your answer, [Name]. Now, let’s hear from [Name].
  • Great point, [Name]. Let’s see what [Name] thinks about this.
  • I appreciate your perspective, [Name]. Now, [Name], what are your thoughts?
  • Thanks for sharing, [Name]. [Name], do you have anything to add?
  • That’s an interesting viewpoint, [Name]. [Name], would you like to weigh in on this?
  • [Name] made a good point earlier. [Name], what’s your take on this?
  • [Name] brought up an important aspect. [Name], could you expand on that?
  • [Name], you mentioned [point]. [Name], do you agree with that?
  • [Name], you raised an interesting question. [Name], how do you feel about it?
  • [Name], your thoughts are appreciated. [Name], would you like to share your perspective?
  • Let’s hear from someone else now. [Name], what do you think?
  • Thank you for your insights, [Name]. Now, let’s get [Name]’s perspective.
  • [Name], we’ve heard from you. How about we hear from [Name] next?
  • [Name], your input is valuable. Let’s see what [Name] has to say.
  • [Name], your thoughts are appreciated. Now, let’s turn to [Name] for his opinion.
  • [Name], you’ve made a good point. Let’s give [Name] a chance to speak.
  • [Name], thank you for sharing. Can we hear from [Name] now?
  • [Name], it’s been insightful hearing from you. Let’s have [Name] share her thoughts.
  • [Name], you’ve brought up some important points. [Name], would you like to add anything?
  • [Name], I appreciate your input. Let’s see if [Name] has anything to add to the discussion.

Praise a participant’s answer

Here are some English expressions you might use to praise a participant’s answer to a question:

  • Great job!
  • Well done!
  • Nice work!
  • Good point!
  • Excellent!
  • Spot on!
  • Perfect!
  • Awesome!
  • Bravo!
  • Superb!
  • Fantastic!
  • Impressive!
  • Terrific!
  • Outstanding!
  • Way to go!
  • That’s an excellent point!
  • I really appreciate your insightful response.
  • Wow, that was very well articulated!
  • Your answer demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
  • Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful perspective.
  • Your response adds valuable depth to our discussion.
  • You’ve hit the nail on the head with that response.
  • I couldn’t have said it better myself!
  • Your answer is spot on!
  • That’s a brilliant insight, thank you for sharing.

Asking someone present during online meeting

Here are some English expressions you might use to inquire if a participant is still present in the online speaking practice:

  • Is [Name] still with us?
  • [Name], are you still on the call?
  • Can someone confirm if [Name] is still participating?
  • [Name], could you please check in and let us know if you’re still here?
  • [Name], can you give us a quick ‘yes’ to confirm you’re still on the line?
  • [Name], are you still connected to the online meeting?
  • Has anyone heard from [Name] recently? Just want to make sure she’s still with us.
  • [Name], if you’re still here, could you please respond?
  • Before we continue, can we ensure [Name] is still present?
  • Let’s do a quick check-in to see if [Name] is still part of the conversation.

Asking if someone can hear during English speaking practice online meeting

Here are some English expressions you might use to ask if a participant can hear your voice during the online speaking practice:

  • [Name], can you hear me?
  • [Name], are you able to hear my voice?
  • [Name], do you have audio?
  • [Name], is my voice coming through clearly?
  • [Name], please let me know if you can hear me.
  • [Name], give me thumbs up if you’re hearing my voice.
  • [Name], if you’re receiving audio, could you confirm?
  • [Name], are you picking up my voice on the call?
  • [Name], if you’re able to hear me, could you please respond?
  • [Name], just checking in to see if my audio is reaching you.

Greet a new participant joining online meeting

Here are some English expressions you might use to greet a new participant joining the online speaking practice:

  • Hello and welcome! We’re glad to have you join us.
  • Welcome aboard! It’s great to see a new face.
  • Hi [Participant’s Name], nice to have you with us!
  • A warm welcome to our newest participant!
  • Greetings, [Participant’s Name]! Thanks for joining.
  • Welcome to the conversation, [Participant’s Name]!
  • Hello there! We’re happy you could join our discussion.
  • Hey [Participant’s Name], glad you could make it!
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], [Participant’s Name]! Welcome to the group.
  • Hi everyone, please join me in welcoming [Participant’s Name] to the call!

Asking participant wait during online meeting

Here are some English expressions you might use to ask participant to wait while you step away momentarily and then return to ask her a question:

  • [Name], please hold on for just a moment. I’ll be right back with a question for you.
  • [Name], could you wait for a brief moment? I’ll come back to you shortly with a question.
  • [Name], hang tight for a second. I’ll be back to address you in a moment.
  • [Name], if you don’t mind waiting briefly, I’ll return shortly to ask you a question.
  • [Name], please bear with me for a moment. I’ll circle back to you with a question shortly.
  • [Name], just a quick moment, and I’ll be back to direct a question your way.
  • [Name], if you could wait for a moment, I’ll be right back to engage you with a question.
  • [Name], hold on for just a minute, I’ll return promptly to ask you a question.
  • [Name], please wait momentarily, I’ll come back to you with a question in just a bit.
  • [Name], if you could be patient for a moment, I’ll be back to involve you in the discussion with a question.

Asking for clarification:

Here are some English expressions you can use to ask for clarification during the online meeting:

  • Could you please clarify that point?
  • I’m not quite following, could you elaborate?
  • Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat?
  • Can you provide more detail on [specific point]?
  • I’m not entirely clear on what you mean by [phrase]. Could you explain further?
  • Could you simplify that for me?
  • Would you mind breaking that down into simpler terms?
  • Can you give an example to illustrate what you’re saying?
  • I’m not sure I understand. Could you explain it in a different way?
  • Can you help me grasp the concept by giving more contexts?

Asking for rephrasing:

Here are some English expressions you can use to ask for rephrasing during the online speaking practice:

  • Could you rephrase that sentence for clarity?
  • Can you express that idea differently?
  • I’m having difficulty understanding the way you phrased that. Could you put it another way?
  • Would you mind restating that in simpler terms?
  • Can you say that again using different words?
  • I’m not sure I follow your wording. Can you say it differently?
  • Could you paraphrase what you just said?
  • Can you reword that so it’s clearer to everyone?
  • Would you mind changing the structure of your sentence to make it clearer?
  • Can you simplify your explanation by saying it in a different way?

Time Management

Here are some English expressions you can use for time management during the online speaking practice:

  • We have about [X] minutes left, so let’s try to wrap up this topic.
  • Let’s move on to the next question to make sure we cover everything.
  • We’re running short on time, so let’s keep our responses brief.


Here are some English expressions you can use for transitioning between topics or questions during the online speaking practice:

  • Now, let’s move on to our next topic/question.
  • Shifting gears, let’s discuss [new topic/question].
  • That concludes our discussion on [current topic]. Next, we’ll address [new topic/question].
  • Let’s transition to the next point of our agenda.
  • Turning our attention to [new topic/question], I’d like to hear your thoughts on…
  • Moving forward, let’s consider [new topic/question].
  • Before we move on, does anyone have any final thoughts on [current topic]?
  • Let’s segue into our next discussion by exploring [new topic/question].
  • As we wrap up our conversation about [current topic], let’s shift focus to [new topic/question].
  • With that point clarified, let’s proceed to our next agenda item.
  •  Now that we’ve explored [aspect of topic], let’s move on to…
  • Before we wrap up this part of the discussion, let’s consider…
  • That’s an interesting point. Let’s build on that by discussing…

Closing the Discussion

Here are some English expressions you can use to close the discussion during the online speaking practice:

  • Unfortunately, our time is almost up. Before we wrap up, does anyone have any final thoughts or questions?
  • It’s been a great discussion today. Thank you all for your contributions.
  • I look forward to continuing our conversation in our next online meeting. Until then, keep practicing and learning!

Thanking Participants

Here are some English expressions you can use to thanking during the online speaking practice:

  • A big thank you to everyone for your active participation today.
  • I’m grateful for your engagement and thoughtful contributions.
  • Thank you all for making this online meeting a success.


Here are some English expressions you can use to bid farewell and close the online speaking practice:

  • Thank you all for joining today’s online meeting. Have a wonderful day/evening ahead!
  • Until next time, take care and keep practicing your English skills!
  • Goodbye, everyone! See you in our next session.
  • Thank you all for your participation. It’s time to wrap up our online meeting. Goodbye!
  • It’s been a pleasure hosting this discussion with all of you. Until next time, take care!
  • That concludes our online meeting for today. Farewell, everyone!
  • As we come to the end of our conversation, I’d like to say goodbye and thank you for your contributions.
  • Before we go, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for your insights. Farewell, and see you soon!
  • It’s been great discussing with you all. Wishing you a wonderful day/evening ahead. Goodbye!
  • Until we meet again for our next discussion, take care and goodbye!
  • Thank you for your active participation. Let’s say goodbye for now and look forward to our future conversations.
  • I appreciate everyone’s input today. Let’s end on a positive note. Goodbye, everyone!
  • Before we sign off, I want to thank each of you for your engagement. Farewell, and have a great day/night!
Tenry Colle
Tenry Colle

Hi! My name is A. Tenry Lawangen Aspat Colle. I am a motivated and resourceful English educator. In addition, as the owner of @rymari.translation17 has shaped me to be a punctual and dependable translator of Indonesian to English and vice versa.

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