education assessment

Educational Assessment and Testing: Is it difference?

What is assessment?

Assessment is a broad term that includes testing

Rowntree (1977), assessment in education can be thought of as occurring whenever one person, in some kind of interaction, direct or indirect, with another, is conscious of obtaining and interpreting information about the knowledge and understanding of abilities and attitudes of that other person. To some extent or another, it is an attempt to know the person.

Erwin, in Brown and Knight, (1994), assessment is a systematic basis for making inference about the learning and development of students… the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using the information to increase students’ learning and development.

Brown (2003, p.4), it is an ongoing process that encompasses a much broader domain. To do an assessment, a teacher should consider many aspects in determining the final scores of the students.  In addition to the mid-semester and final semester scores,   the teacher should also pay attention to the students` participation, motivation, presentation, performance, paper, portfolio, presence, homework, etc.

It can be concluded that, assessment is a process of gathering information to monitor progress and make educational decisions if necessary. An assessment may include a test, but also includes methods such as observations, interviews, and behavior monitoring.

Is assessment synonymous with testing?

No, it is not.  Assessment is a more encompassing term than testing. It is the process of gathering, interpreting, and sometimes recording and using information about students' responses to an educational task to provide the next learning step.

Does the assessment include testing?

Yes, it does.  Testing is a particular kind of assessment that focuses on eliciting a specific sample of performance.

References & Recommended Reading

  • Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Doff, A. (1988). Teach English. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rosset, E. (1998). Fill in the Gaps. Brno: Didaktis.
  • Scrivener, J. (1998). Learning Teaching. Oxford: Macmillan.
  • Ur, P. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tenry Colle
Tenry Colle

Hi! My name is A. Tenry Lawangen Aspat Colle. I am a motivated and resourceful English educator. In addition, as the owner of @rymari.translation17 has shaped me to be a punctual and dependable translator of Indonesian to English and vice versa.

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