What better to do than, share your English knowledge with other people
What better to do than, share your English knowledge with other people
What better to do than, share your English knowledge with other people
What better to do than, share your English knowledge with other people
SJT (Situational Judgment Test) adalah metode penilaian yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan dan kompetensi seorangdalam mengelola berbagai situasi yang mungkin mereka hadapi dalam lingkungan pengajaran.
Situasi tersebut mencakup:
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku inovasi, kepemimpinan, pantang menyerah
Question: Mr. Johnson, an English teacher, is introducing a new unit on creative writing to his high school students. He believes in fostering innovation and creativity in the classroom. During the lesson, a student suggests incorporating technology by creating an online blog for sharing their written work. Mr. Johnson has reservations about this idea. What should Mr. Johnson do?
A. Politely dismiss the idea and continue with the traditional lesson plan.
B. Acknowledge the suggestion, express interest, and discuss how the blog could be integrated effectively with the student.
C. Immediately implement the blog idea without further discussion.
D. Ignore the suggestion and move on to the next topic.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Acknowledging the student’s suggestion and interest in integrating technology shows a positive attitude toward innovation. Mr. Johnson should discuss with the student how the blog idea could be effectively incorporated into the lesson, demonstrating a willingness to explore new approaches to teaching.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku kematangan emosi
Question: Ms. Anderson, an English teacher, is conducting a class discussion about a novel that covers sensitive topics such as diversity and inclusion. During the discussion, John, a student, expresses an opinion that may be offensive to some classmates. What should Ms. Anderson do?
A. Dismiss John’s opinion and redirect the discussion to a safer topic.
B. Ignore John’s comment and allow the class to continue discussing without addressing the issue.
C. Acknowledge John’s opinion, but gently guide the conversation to the importance of respectful dialogue and diverse perspectives.
D. Publicly criticize John for his opinion to discourage such comments in the future.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Acknowledging John’s opinion while guiding the conversation back to respectful dialogue demonstrates emotional maturity. Ms. Anderson should create a safe space for open discussions and ensure that the conversation remains inclusive and respectful, promoting emotional maturity among students.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku kematangan emosi
Question: Mr. Patel, an English teacher, notices that one of his students, Sarah, is consistently underperforming in assignments and appears disengaged. During a one-on-one meeting, Sarah reveals personal challenges affecting her academic performance. What should Mr. Patel do?
A. Disregard Sarah’s personal challenges and encourage her to focus solely on academics.
B. Provide emotional support, express empathy, and discuss potential solutions to help Sarah overcome her challenges.
C. Recommend additional assignments to keep Sarah occupied and distract her from personal issues.
D. Share Sarah’s personal struggles with the entire class to garner sympathy and understanding.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Providing emotional support, expressing empathy, and discussing potential solutions demonstrates emotional maturity. Mr. Patel should show an understanding of Sarah’s challenges and work collaboratively to find solutions. This approach fosters a supportive and caring learning environment, highlighting the teacher’s emotional maturity in handling students’ difficulties.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: menunjukan sikap dan perilaku sesuai profesi guru.
Question: Ms. Thompson, an English teacher, is conducting a class when she notices two students talking loudly and disrupting the lesson. What should Ms. Thompson do to demonstrate professionalism?
A. Publicly reprimand the students for their behavior to set an example for the rest of the class.
B. Ignore the disruption and continue the lesson, assuming the students will eventually quiet down.
C. Address the disruptive behavior privately after class, providing clear expectations for future conduct.
D. Immediately send the students to the principal’s office as a disciplinary action.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Addressing the disruptive behavior privately after class and providing clear expectations for future conduct demonstrates professionalism. Ms. Thompson should handle disciplinary matters discreetly, ensuring a positive and respectful learning environment for all students.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: menunjukan sikap dan perilaku sesuai profesi guru.
Question: Mr. Davis, an English teacher, receives an email from a concerned parent regarding their child’s performance in class. The parent is upset and demands an explanation for the low grades. What should Mr. Davis do to uphold professionalism?
A. Respond to the email defensively, explaining that the student is responsible for their grades.
B. Ignore the email, as responding may escalate the situation.
C. Schedule a meeting with the parent to discuss the concerns, providing a detailed explanation of the student’s performance.
D. Forward the email to the school administration without responding.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Scheduling a meeting with the parent to discuss concerns and providing a detailed explanation of the student’s performance reflects professionalism. Mr. Davis should communicate openly, address parental concerns, and work collaboratively to find solutions. This approach demonstrates a commitment to the well-being and academic success of the student while upholding the standards of a professional educator.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku saling berbagi, peduli, dan memiliki solidaritas
Question: Mrs. Johnson, an English teacher, notices that one of her students, Emily, is struggling with a challenging writing assignment. Emily appears hesitant to seek help. What should Mrs. Johnson do to demonstrate a culture of sharing and caring?
A. Assume Emily will eventually ask for help and continue with the lesson.
B. Publicly highlight Emily’s struggles to encourage her classmates to offer assistance.
C. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with Emily, expressing concern and offering support.
D. Ignore Emily’s difficulties, as addressing them may disrupt the class flow.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Scheduling a one-on-one meeting with Emily, expressing concern, and offering support demonstrates a culture of sharing and caring. Mrs. Johnson should create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable seeking assistance, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy among the class.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku saling berbagi, peduli, dan memiliki solidaritas
Question: Mr. Garcia assigns a group project where students must collaborate on a presentation. One student, Alex, is hesitant to participate and is being excluded by the group. What should Mr. Garcia do to promote solidarity?
A. Ignore the situation and assume the students will resolve their issues on their own.
B. Publicly criticize the group for excluding Alex to encourage inclusivity.
C. Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of collaboration and encourage the group to involve Alex.
D. Change Alex’s group assignment to avoid potential conflicts.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Facilitating a class discussion on the importance of collaboration and encouraging the group to involve Alex promotes solidarity. Mr. Garcia should address the issue directly, emphasizing the value of working together and creating an inclusive learning environment where students support one another.
Kisi-Kisi SJT: Menunjukan sikap dan perilaku saling berbagi, peduli, dan memiliki solidaritas
Question: During a peer review session, Sarah, a student, struggles to provide constructive feedback on her classmate’s essay. What should Ms. Patel, the English teacher, do to encourage a culture of sharing and collaboration?
A. Disregard Sarah’s struggle, assuming she will figure it out eventually.
B. Pair Sarah with a stronger student to complete the peer review together.
C. Publicly highlight Sarah’s difficulty as an example for improving the class.
D. Provide guidance to the entire class on effective peer-review strategies.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Pairing Sarah with a stronger student to complete the peer review together promotes a culture of sharing and collaboration. Ms. Patel should provide targeted support to enhance peer learning, encouraging students to work together and share their strengths to improve the overall learning experience in the classroom.
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